I am pregnant!!!
I am really pregnant. I am still absorbing this news! I spent this morning in a state of terror huddled up on the couch cringing and sighing and worrying myself to death. The clinic called an hour ago. Andrew answered (we planned it this way) and I could not tell from his body language whether or not it worked. When he gave me a thumbs up after he got off the phone I was shocked.
In all of the excitement we sort of forgot to ask what the beta was. I do know that the beta was strong enough that they are just scheduling an ultrasound in a couple of weeks, that I get to stop the progesterone and that they actually said that it looks like a very strong pregnancy.
Oh and it is my birthday. It did not feel like I turned twenty eight this morning because I was too absorbed in the greater possibilities of today but now I feel like celebrating.
And it is my one hundredth blog post. Wow that happened fast.
I really do feel like I am in a movie right now. This is the best birthday ever. This might be close to the best day ever.